Monday, February 28, 2011

1st and 2nd perspective

Perspective drawing is a good style to use when drawing in 3D. There are different styles including single point and two point perspective. The basic example below shows how to construct a simple single point perspective drawing of a cube. Using the same skills more complex drawings/designs can be drawn, after a little practice.

Perspective is a realistic way of drawing objects in 3D. We have already looked at single point perspective, two point perspective using two vanishing points and when an object is drawn in this way it is even more realistic than if it were to be drawn with a single vanishing point.

Friday, February 18, 2011

journ/-\l week 1

monday - we used AUTOCAD to build the airoplane and to build a sport car by using the corodinates given to us

tuesday -

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Object Snap

Today i learned how to object snap with squares and circles using the object snap tool making this little picture above

this design was made during 1st period and i think its a racetrack

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

autocut model of plane and car

in class today we learned how to make 3d modles of objects
like in this part i learned the corrodinates of how to make a car and a model airplane.